Fear. Why is there fear?
Why so much feeling?
When will all stop? When they will fall asleep?
Will they all stop? At least, will they ever sleep?
Pain. Why is there so much pain?
Why is it hurting so much? Why is THIS hurting so much?
What should I do? How to stop it? them. this. whatever is it, this.
Do I want to stop everything?
Destroy, demolish... Shut it down. Shush it, them. Every single one of them.
Why don't I have any power?
Why I just can't make it stop? Make them stop. Make you, me, time; stop?
Why can’t I just end?..
...the pain?
Why am I so weak? Like a leaf obedient to the northern wind?
What is it that I cannot give up?
Any time of the day.. Noon or dawn. Or the darkest hour of the night, maybe blinded by the sun, shining through your eyes.
Numb as I want to be. Eternally condemned to be sober and aware,
Questioning the very beginning, because I feel.. NO, I know that I am at the end.
Usurped, sentenced, shaped, tortured, killed and resurrected to be killed again by normality
Is it only I? Because I feel you nearby.
Struggling to take a breath as if I know I did not deserve it.
Traumatized by what is to come.
Is it only I?
Lonely in your crowd? Obscured by your light? Vulnerable and naked.
Every beat of my exhausted heart, every wheezy breath of my withered part.
Yanked, cornered, trapped between.. everything. Oscillating between life and serenity.
Underestimated didn't we, the weight of that spark of happiness, of that moment of purety.
So lonely, oozy, somber, out of tune... Misplaced in the wrong reality.
Under the moonlight and the rain that shines with your smile.
Charmed me, and only if you allow me to... Hold my breath until I can't take the next one,
And I whisper my last one, with all my heart.
Where were you?